Collection: Bohemian Rugs

195 products

Bohemian Rugs

Every rug has a story to tell. At Rugs n More, our bohemian rugs are the storytellers, whispering tales of creativity, artistry, and individualism. As one of the most trusted names in the Australian rug industry, we're here to add a splash of boho magic to your floors.

Cheap Bohemian Rugs

Born in Victoria as the One Stop Flooring Centre, Rugs n More has thrived through time for over 25 years. What started as a small business has now become one of Australia's biggest online rug treasure place.
  • Serving Australians for over two and a half decades.
  • A vast collection spanning sizes and textures.
  • Renowned for affordable prices and heartfelt customer service.
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Bohemian Rugs in Australia

Our Bohemian rugs in Australia are cheap and timeless. They're not just about covering floors but about celebrating creativity and individuality. Handwoven with love and precision, each rug is:
  • A canvas painted by skilled artisans
  • A tradition passed down through generations
  • A reflection of sustainability, from responsibly sourced wool to nature-friendly dyes
And while they echo environmental responsibility, they don't compromise on luxury. Soft, plush, and durable – our rugs are a testament to craftsmanship.

Vintage Vibes with Every Step

Boho rugs have a charm that's hard to resist. Whether they wear bold colours or whisper in neutral shades, they always exude a warm and inviting aura. They're the perfect companion for:
  • Cosy apartment corners
  • Expansive open-plan homes
  • Modern or vintage décor alike

Finding Your Boho Soul with Rugs n More

From Scandinavia's heart to Marrakech's vibrant streets, our bohemian rugs Australia, capture the essence of places and cultures. They come in various shapes, sizes, and personalities:
  • Subtle, minimalistic patterns for the lovers of Nordic beauty
  • Vivid, dynamic designs for those who adore a splash of colour
Whether your living room seeks a touch of boho charm or your bedroom yearns for a laid-back retreat, we have the rug that will resonate with your space and spirit.

Affordable Luxury: Bohemian Rugs Cheap Yet Chic

At Rugs n More, luxury doesn't come with a hefty price tag. We believe in making elegance accessible. With our collection of  bohemian rugs cheap  in price but rich in quality, every Australian home can experience the boho glow. Step into our world, feel the textures, admire the patterns, and let your floors tell a story that's uniquely yours. With Rugs n More, every step is a journey into bohemian beauty. Shop our beautiful range of bohemian rugs online today. Let your free spirit live large with a boho rug. Free delivery and AfterPay available.